Essays. My literary gallery.
My dear,
the shortest night of the year, Kupała Night, is ahead of us. Therefore, I invite you to read my essay and wish you beautiful dreams.
Fern flower
(...) The memory of the fern returned to me a few days later, just before Midsummer. In the Market Square in Sobótka, girls weave wreaths before Kupała Night. It was once believed that a fern would bloom during this extraordinary time. Whoever finds the fern flower will live in abundance. I smile at the thought of the old school fern. What if she played a trick on biologists and nature? (...)

My dear,
"I am green" among hills and peaks ... And I wanted to share this reflection about greenery with you. I invite you to read the essay.

My Miles,
I believe that Santa Claus has given you generously. On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas, I invite you to read my old essay, written long before my Ania was born, in school times.
(...) We decided to reach the most charming coves on the island, where jagged mountains cover small, sandy beaches (...)

(...) This year's long-awaited July was approaching uncertainly and finally invaded our lives. From the very beginning we knew that it was the only possible time to realize our dreams, which on long winter evenings we confessed to ourselves full of fear of not fulfilling our whispers.
The Sicilian dream warming cold nights and brightening rainy days was to turn into reality. The route of the expedition was planned so that the path to the destination led through places other than the return route. (...)

Sometimes places, gestures or situations, although seemingly ordinary, make you reflect, while being memorable.

Dziewczynka karmi kaczki w parku

Feeding the ducks in the park

Kaczka na stawie. Duck on the pond.

Dziewczynka karmi kaczki w parku
Childhood - selected images.

I don't remember him from the period when he was gray, empty and sad. I saw a picture taken at the very beginning of its existence. My mother showed them to me and I understood then that although we both look at the same picture, we can see something completely different. Surrounded by a wire mesh, devoid of flowers, trees and smells, he seemed extremely lonely and ugly to me.
Only a dog, a nice German Shepherd, could arouse the viewer's interest.
In my memories it is green, well-kept and beautiful. (...)