Miscellaneous 2025
My dears,
the world is full of fairytale creatures. You just have to be attentive to spot a wizard with a lantern on the rooftop.
My dears,
the world bathed in fresh snow looks fabulous, frosty and beautiful.
My dears,
these extraordinary carvings are located in the Pałacyk School of Drawing and Painting, where I constantly invite you to classes on illustrating children's literature.
My dears,
Venice in my library delights me so much that I have to share this delight with you.
My dears,
still festive, coffee-like, sweet and very pleasant.
My dears,
I cannot resist the temptation to show you the wonders that are the work of Ewa Jangas (Lepka). Ania with a duck talks to her grandfather.
My dears,
the wonderful, festive time is conducive to long walks. And so I wandered into the Ślężański store in Sobótka. And there on the shelf is the Tale of the Tooth Fairy and Mr. Coin. And I wish you such pleasures.
My dears,
I encourage you to choose the English version of the fairy tale "The Tree and the Bird" as a Christmas present.