"Welcome to my fairy tale!"
The first volume of "The Stone of Power" in English has already been published! I encourage you to read it.
My dears,
I would like to cordially invite you to participate in the collection of 4000 złoty, i.e. the funds needed to print 200 copies of "Kropelka", a fairy tale about friendship, which you can download and read.
I ask all Donors to transfer money to the account:
97 1160 2202 0000 0000 9394 2103
with the note: Printing the fairy tale "Kropelka" for patients of the Cape of Hope
Thank you for your great help! I hope that thanks to our joint efforts, the patients of the Cape of Hope will receive the books before Christmas!

My dears,
together with the illustrator of children's books, Paulina Kuchta, we invite you, children and adults, to extraordinary classes in illustrating children's literature in a charming place. Click on the link and read carefully:
School of drawing i Painting Pałacyk | Classes in drawing and painting | Wrocław
Good evening, my dears :)
I am very pleased to show you a book entitled The Tale of the Tooth Fairy and Mr. Monet, which was published just a few days ago by Arti Publishing House. We will read this tale only before Christmas because one of the characters here is Santa Claus.
3rd "Anne of Green Gables" fan meeting
My dears,
I invite you to contact me regarding proofreading of texts. I will be happy to check the accuracy of what you write. The hardest thing to evaluate is yourself. Feel free to write.
Good morning dears :)
Today I have the great pleasure of presenting a short, culinary brochure, published by the Printex publishing house, dedicated to the recipes of my grandmother - Weronika. I created the booklet based on the recipes contained in this booklet. I invite you to read it to lovers of strawberry shortcakes, sponge cake pancakes, apples in dressing gowns, cheesecake donuts, sorrel soup, pickled apples, "purple sweetness" and Sunday rice cake with fruit :)
I encourage you to cook according to Grandma Weronika's recipes :)
Good morning dears :)
Today, from Wrocław, I wanted to share some good news with you and show you two books that were published in July, when we were at the seaside. The first is Sicilian Tale. The journey of Felix the elf illustrated by children from the Children's Memorial Health Institute. The second is Anne of Fairytale Green Gables in the Polish version. I invite you to Sunday reading fairy tales we will read this book :)

My love
Look at the illustration of two sprites eating watermelon. Well, I decided to enrich my work with an anti-racist context, which seems very important to me nowadays. And since the eternal mission of fairy tales is to show the importance of sensitivity, kindness, compassion, it is also worth mentioning tolerance and respect for otherness.
From now on, I would like my immortal babies, that is, flutterbys, fleurettes, pixies and trudgers, to have the faces of children of different races from time to time. And now look at the drawing again and say please have you liked the elf Manuel?

Weronika Madryas
Welcome to my fairy tale!
Welcome to my fairy tale!
The forest wotsit is smoking a pipe,
the flutterby sings sweetly,
and the trees are buzzing around ...
Here time flows carefree,
the fleurette drinks dew,
and trudger our scholar
the plane has folded.
Soon the clouds will soar,
followed by birds with a rope ...
Here is a beetle in the forest
dreaming quietly about a beetle,
and the spider weaves the thread,
for dresses and frills,
drapes and curtains ...
Welcome to my fairy tale!
This chanter is laughing so
when he dances with the wizard.
And only children know
spells that open
fairy tale world and time ...
You boys with girls
I invite you therefore!
If you like: silver moonlight at night, frivolous wind during the day, rooster crowing at dawn, orchestra of crickets at dusk, call of an owl when night silence around, smell of wild strawberries, green frogs jumping along the stream, giant dragonflies with blue wings, spring chicks, foxes in winter, and house elves, lottoes and talking bees, you should visit the Fairytale Green Gables, on top of which stands a charming house with a red sloping roof, spreading like a toadstool hat. And when you wander in those places, you will probably meet Anne from the Fairytale Green Gables and her grandparents, the hosts in a cozy hut. Therefore, I invite all admirers of the Green Gables and Annes who live there!